Year in Review: 2019

It’s January 2020, and like others, we’d like to take the time to reflect on how 2019 closed out. Here’s how White Harvest Energy’s year fared by the numbers…


39,136,664 kWh of electricity generated

19,616 tons of steam produced

11,015 tons of CO2 avoided

8,000 kW of capacity commissioned

5,327 liters of synthetic lubricant consumed

2,137 passenger cars removed from the road in 2019 in CO2 equivalency

134 conference calls made

43 samples of oil analyzed

12 screening studies performed

industry presentations given

feasibility studies performed

engines commissioned

3 nominations for industry awards 

steam generators commissioned

talented employees hired

amazing team


We are excited to see what 2020 brings! Let’s deliver innovative energy solutions to create a more powerful future!

Overcoming the Engineering Mindset

Innovation is perceived risk. No matter if the innovation has already been implemented elsewhere, if your engineers aren’t familiar, you’ll hear all the ways the idea won’t work. I believe they may just fear they don’t know how to “engineer” it. With more exposure and pressure from all groups and walks of life to come up with better or more efficient ways to use energy, transport people and cargo, and make clean water, engineers will have no choice but to embrace the idea of innovation and let go of the warm and soft blanket that is replication.